Every one has those days (especially in Provo for some reason?) where life just seems to weigh you down. Usually there's not a huge reason or specific event that makes me feel this way its just life in general. You're stressed about a test, worried about a sibling, boys are driving you CRAZY, you forgot to turn in a hw assignment, someone stole your parking spot, or you don't have milk for your cereal...the list could go on right? These are all stupid little things but some days they just put you over the edge! But today was not one of those days. I was having a pretty good morning. I surprisingly enjoyed the snow that I woke up to, got a little more sleep than normal, had an excuse to wear my uggs, AND found some really good music..which always makes me happy.
But as I did my usual morning facebook check (why is it so addicting?), I had a HUGE wake up call. One of my best friend's old roommates, hopefully that made sense, had a status that just completely ripped my heart out. I have met her numerous times but really don't know her that well but through my best friend I found out that this past summer she lost her baby sister to cancer. I had heard that she had a sister that was sick but it wasn't until recently I found out that she had passed away.
Her status today was just merely saying how much she missed her sister and thought about her every day. One click led to another and I found myself reading her mother's blog about her daughter, found here. I read of her sister's story and the many experiences their family went through and I just started crying. This cute family lost their beautiful 13-yr old daughter and here I am having an occasional bad day, feeling sorry for myself over things that truly don't really matter.
I was completely moved by their story. It made me realize how selfish and consumed I get in MY life and just how there are so many people who go through these HARD, horrible things that you don't even know about. It doesn't seem fair. This family's just supposed to move on and live their life without someone who is so important to them. They have every reason to give up and be angry at the world and every one it but they keep going. They keep living. They have faith that everything will be ok.
They had days, I'm sure, that were not easy but have found light in our Savior and loving Heavenly Father and know that this life isn't the end. My heart just goes out to this family. I cannot even begin to try and imagine what they are going through but I know with Heavenly Father's help they will feel peace, love, and comfort that they can find in no other way.
I just was very humbled this morning and realized how blessed I am. I have so many wonderful people in my life that are so wonderful that I take for granted. I have so much to be happy about. I realized how I need to be doing so much more in my life for other people. I have been looking at everyone I pass today wondering what they are going through. Wondering what they are thinking about, what they are worried about, what makes them happy, what are they passionate about, what makes them laugh, what makes them angry, what is stressing them out, what's bringing them down, what keeps them going??
Every one has a story. We usually don't know what people are going through but we can do our part by loving everyone and doing more for them. It just hit me so hard today of how beautiful people are and how everyone is a child of God. EVERYONE on this earth was important enough for a Savior to suffer and die for us all. I want to do more to make people happy and feel loved because the sacrifice Christ made for all of us. Our Heavenly Father loves us more then we can comprehend. He knows us personally. He knows the details in our lives and truly wants us to be happy.
It is in the hard times you truly see what you are made of but we are NOT alone and never will be. All we need is to have faith in our Heavenly Father that he truly knows what is best, we must find happiness and beauty in everything around us, we must make the most of life and not take what we have for granted. There truly is so much to be happy about.
When storms come, which they will, rely on the things that matter most. Put first things first and TRUST that things will always work out if you are doing everything you are supposed to. Find JOY in the journey...that is what leads us to the best destination!