Thursday, April 2, 2009

Uh's been a WHILE!!!


This year I got to go to FLORIDA for spring break!! Even though BYU doesn't really have an official break, I just kinda took one anyway. It seriously was AMAZING! I left on Tuesday and got there at like midnight and then came back to the Provo on Saturday. It's always so nice to leave but once I come back I hate my life haha! BYU is a good place but it's always this time of year that I need to just get away. 

This was our hotel that we stayed at! It seriously was so fun! We got to walk around the boardwalk every night and then take the boat to wherever we needed to go. It seriously was way fun! I'd have to say that EPCOT or Animal Kingdom was my favorite just cuz I want to travel the world and EPCOT had all these different countries they had set up. Papa James said this counted for my study abroad but I definitely wasn't liking that idea : / But someday I will see the real countries of all those places! Seriously...that's all I want to do...when I see all these different places with people from the countries I just want to peace out of school. I'm tired of hearing about all these amazing places and not doing anything to see them! I feel like this is the time I can do ANYTHING in my life and I just want to get out of school and see the world!! haha anyways...good trip would recommend it to anybody but I just wished we had some beach time at least!! oh well it was a fun time!

1 comment:

  1. You've got the travel bug Lauren! You're more than welcome to come to NYC!!
