Friday, June 5, 2009

this is HOME...

It seems like you always don't realize how much you miss something until it is 
right in  front of your face. When you are away from something for so long you forget how it makes you feel. It seems like there are so many experiences in my life that this completely describes but what I'm referring to is home. 

I love coming through the front door and finding myself getting bulldozed by my huge dogs
I love being in a place where no matter how crazy or annoying I get people still love me
I LOVE spending time in Portland
I love rainy, overcast days and the smell
I love driving on streets that actually have names
I love realizing just how GHETTO my high school is
I love seeing all the people who have shaped your life
I love all the trees
I love sleeping on our couches cuz lets be honest....they're more comfortable than any bed I've slept on before
I love being reminded of life...every place has a memory
I love visiting the grandparents and hearing their crazy stories
AND of course....
I LOVE spending time with the family <3

It is always good to be HOME


  1. Lauren! You're so adorable! How are you?? So did you stay in Provo for school for the summer? Or home to Boring? Miss you lots!

  2. I'm good...I actually stayed for spring at BYU and just am home for the weekend for jackie's graduation...then after that I'm heading up to washington to be an efy counselor for 4 weeks so just staying busy! I miss you too seems like its been FOREVER!! how have you been? I want to come up and visit you and missy so bad!!!
