Monday, June 20, 2011

a beautiful RAINY sunday...

I know I posted a HUGE one yesterday but I had to post another one about some experiences I had yesterday. As usual, every Sunday I have multiple deep moments about life. I just always think about my future and all the many blessings I have...usually it's triggered by church of course. But yesterday I had a lot more than usual.

Being here in Belize has opened my eyes to so how different life can be-- from where you live, what you eat, how you get from place to place, where you buy what you need. Nothing here is like the U.S. Which is all part of the experience that I love! But Belize has also opened my eyes to the people-- they really have so little here. I have never experienced poverty first hand like this in my life before. I'm not gonna lie, it has been pretty hard to handle sometimes.

There's been many moments I've just wanted to breakdown and cry. I just realize how truly blessed I am and how I should be giving so much more to those around me. There is so much that I worry about back home that in reality doesn't matter at all. There are so many things I take for granted every day at home that are so apparent while I've been here-- like shoes, having a closet full of clothes, a bed for myself, running water, electricity, the chance I have to receive an education, having my own car, having a family that loves me....there is so so much.

Yesterday at church I just was looking around at all the people and realizing that each of them have a story and a purpose in this life. It was so clear to me of how much Heavenly Father loves them and even tho they have had so many trials and hard experiences...He will never leave their side. Through Him they will find the peace and hope they need to get through anything. It was just a beautiful moment to understand how deep God's love is for all of us no matter where we are in the world.

We had a testimony meeting (a meeting we have in our church where we talk about why we believe what we believe) and these three ladies story's especially stood out to me-- one talked about how one of her sons was murdered and after his death she fell away from the church and God for a while. But she realized that God and his gospel was the only way she could ever find peace and happiness again. She just had such a sweet testimony of repentance and how it is never too late to come back to the Savior.

Another lady has been a single parent to her two children for 16 years and was saying how difficult it was to provide and raise a family on her own but she had faith that everything will work out and someday she will find someone she can share her life with. This woman was so amazing to me...not that being a single parent is easy in the states, but here in Belize women make hardly anything for working so incredibly hard. My heart just went out to her and her family and I truly was amazed at the faith and love she had.

The last woman is Sister Kay. This woman has changed my life. She is someone else who has been through so much but decided to come back to the church 3 years ago and has sworn she will never leave again. She would do anything for anyone and is just so special to me. She has one of those testimonies that captures everyone's attention, I just love her so much.

There really are so many more stories I could tell. Everybody in the branch is truly amazing. I can't wait to spend more time with them and learn more from their experiences. These people are so much more loving then I ever imagined. I've learned so much from them...things I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I just love it here so much!

After our wonderful church meeting we walked home in one of the biggest rain storms I have ever experienced in my life. All of our clothes were instantly soaked within 10 seconds. We all have just come to accept the rain here and never really get ready in case we get completely drenched wherever we go. Then we got rescued by the Senior Missionaries and got to have another ride in the back of a truck for the weekend. Ah gotta love rain. Anyways that is all for now! Happy Monday!

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