Thursday, June 9, 2011

DAY 3: another great day...

Today was another day at the square foot garden and it definitely felt a lot hotter than yesterday! I honestly don't think I have ever sweat so much in my life then I have here. And I am being completely real. Literally EVERY pore is sweating...EVERY PORE! Nothing is ever dry. Sorry if that is TMI but its what's going on in my life! But you do get kind of used to it...weirdly.

Today we finally got everything squared off to be ready for planting. We have had a few minor issues with how we should plant and where we should plant certain things but we will figure it out. We also started the fence around the garden today to keep the HUGE iguanas out. I can't decide if I think they are kinda cool or just really creepy. Then Kayla and I had to go on a serious adventure with Richard to find chicken wire. It's so crazy how different life is here. There's no Lowes or Home Depot to get whatever you just try different local farm or hardware stores and hope they have some in. Which in our case today...5 stores ran out but luckily we found some at our last stop. Then we took a little food break and came back to finish up the fence. Lets just say papa James would be proud of all the work I did today. Definitely got my hammering nails, sawing lumber, and building fences on today. The work we do here isn't a joke. AND we're almost done!

Seriously tho, these people are amazing. Richard especially has done so much with his life and sacrifices so much! I know I talk about him a lot but I really am in awe at how selfless this man and his family are. Him and his wife truly do so much for the community here in Belize. It makes me want to do so much more in my community at home. People everywhere need help and I have so much that I should be giving. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if every summer from now on I'm involved with helping Richard and his family with some of his projects he has going on here in San Ignacio. All of us girls decided this today. As much as HELP int is a good organization...we want to be involved with someone who really knows exactly what needs to be done and would put our money to really helping the people here.

I honestly have learned so much these past few days. About myself, what I want to do with my life, what I want to do for other people in my community, what things I want to accomplish, how I want all my friends and family to experience something like this...i have SO many thoughts all the time! Today I just kept looking around not believing I really am in another country. I AM IN BELIZE! It's crazy how different everyday life is here for people. It makes me want to travel everywhere to learn and experience other people and how they live. I seriously love these people so much. was great and there are so many fun projects coming up that I can't wait to get involved with! Basically this was the best idea for my summer ever. Peace baby!

PS: Richard today said my double-jointed fingers meant that I had potential to be really powerful, like in martial arts and stuff. This pretty much made my day because all my life my fingers instantly made me a freak ha. He said he'd teach me some cool moves soon so watch out world...try not to be jealous.

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