Monday, June 13, 2011

DAYs 4, 5, & 6: so so blessed!

Yes I know I have been slacking lately! It was the weekend so of course it was busy. These past few days have been usual right. With each day I grow to love this place and the people even more. I can't put into words just how beautiful it is here or how kind the people are. I really just want everyone to REALLY experience this place. I know I've only been here for 6 days but I really feel like I've lived here so much longer and I don't mean that in a bad way at all!

Friday was another day of the square foot gardens. I am so impressed with how well it turned out! And yes we DID build the fence ourselves (with the help of just a couple guys)! I know I know....big accomplishment for us. I came right in the middle of this project so I can't take a lot of the credit but it was so fun to see the finished product. The ladies did a really good job planning it all out. We definitely put a LOT of sweat into this baby this past week (me especially)and we can't wait to see how it turns out down the road...

 Friday night we just pretty much crashed. We had lunch/dinner at Hodes, then went over to the Spanish branch's building for an activity. Two members from our group put together an activity to give away sports equipment to the kids in the branch. They made the cutest jerseys for the branch and the kids were SO excited for their new toys. It was so fun to be around the cute families and branch members. I seriously have fallen in love with the people here!

Saturday was relax day! We decided to bum at the pool all day to catch up on our books and sleep. Despite the hill of death to get to the was HEAVEN! This place overlooked the whole city and had the coolest bungalow/hut things where guests could stay. It was seriously such a fun place to escape to.

Today...Sunday has been so wonderful. A group of us headed over to the English branch in Santa Elena (the city across the river from San Ignacio) at about 9. This building was so cute! It was this bright blue house they converted to a church building where they then built this whole other side building where they hold sacrament meeting. These people were adorable and so friendly. I love how EVERY woman here gives you a big hug and a kiss on the cheek...whether they've known you for years or are just about to meet you! Its the cutest ever. And the children here are seriously the most beautiful kids I have ever seen. Mom, Dad...I might bring home a little boy or girl with me to add to our family, or maybe 4 so just be prepared! Ahhh I just loved the cute little Santa Elena branch so much! It just proves even more that the church is true no matter where you are. I love it and am so grateful to be a part of it.
 I fell in love with this child after church today. She was so beautiful so of course I had to take a picture. I have definitely been paparazzi status since I've been here. Everyone is waiting for me almost everywhere we go cuz I have to stop and take pictures of EVERYTHING. I don't want to miss anything!
After church we all took naps...chilled and then headed over to the church to see the baptisms of Emir and Michael. These boys were so cute....Emir is in the green shirt and Michael is behind the kid in the striped shirt. They were so happy and you could tell they were so excited to have such a big crowd come on their special day.  It was just wonderful and I truly feel so blessed to be surrounded with such amazing people who have so little but are so grateful and giving. They know that joy comes through service and obeying God's commandments. It really puts life into perspective and makes me realize what truly is important. I really can't believe all that I have learned in just a week! And I can't believe how fast I fell in love with the people.

 After the baptisms we came home to the BEST meal by Sister K. I'm telling you she is the greatest woman you'd ever meet! Ahhh I just love that lady so much!! Then we spent the rest of the night playing cards, dancing to britney spears, chatting about life, and discovering new desserts. The winner for today...brownie mix and water. Mix it together, grab a banana and DIP. Ya it changed my life instantly. Between 6 girls we dominated the entire mix. I can't wait to see what other concoctions we'll create!!

Well this week is gonna be great I can already feel it! It just started pouring down rain and thunder storming outside which means not as much HEAT tomorrow! I'd much rather be wet from rain then sweat...just sayin. Hope the blog posts aren't too boring for the 2 people that read it....mamasita and chucks, but they should get more interesting once the projects get rolling! I have so many things I want to do here! Happy Monday!


  1. I've read all your blog posts girl:) Keep em coming! Love you keep having fun! . . . . an sweating love sofaa

  2. Lauren!!!! is that boy in your picture from the baptism named Marc Dedrick(spelling?) I know him if thats him. I think it is. He was in my ward here at alpine all semester. He is so nice and cool! If not, nevermind! Looks like you are having the best time. Love you girl!


  3. ya it is!! he was here visiting for a little bit!! he is way cool!! love you!!

  4. I love the pic of the child in front of the church. You should enter that into the church's picture contest.
