Friday, July 1, 2011


Ya I didn't know what this word meant either until...THURSDAY, when we were trying to figure what exactly was under our oven. A Belostomatidae, also known as the toe-biter and alligator tick, is one of the largest bugs of the Americas and I unintentionally had the privilege of meeting one. Apparently he decided he wanted to take a peek inside our kitchen and walk around the place a bit.

Thankfully he didn't get into our bedrooms to live up to his name of the toe-biter but man it was DISGUSTING! I don't think a bug has ever made me scream louder or instantly almost pee my pants. I can honestly say nothing inside me felt bad when we kicked the guy outside and maybe stomped on it and killed it to make sure he wouldn't be back again. I was happy actually, oops, I want to keep all my toes thanks. So ya big bugs like this exist...I hope I don't run into anymore for the remainder of our trip here. SO GROSS!

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