Monday, July 18, 2011

to hell and back again...

So I realize I have fallen a little behind in the blog posts lately... life has been CRAZY! I have officially ended my adventure in San Ignacio :( But I do have about 4 or 5 blog posts I still need to update about it all so stay tuned. First up is ATM.

The ATM (Actun Tunichil Muknal) was basically the BEST experience of my life. It was amazing! We started off early in the morning, met with the entire group, got the air conditioned van (we were local favorites of the owners so we maybe got the special treatment), drove to the place where we hiked to the cave, then we got all our equipment to begin our adventure into the cave.

With out headlamps on we went into the cave. I have been into a cave like this before but it wasn't quite as cool as this was. We were literally swimming through formations, climbing up and sliding down rocks, up close to old mayan pots from FOREVER really felt like we were back in their world. It was so clear what life was like for them and how they were so concerned with making sacrifices to make their lives better. It was clear these people were in trouble at some point to go as far as sacrificing people.
It was for real incredible. I would recommend this trip to everyone! Its a once in a lifetime experience and will literally change your life. Our tour guide Aaron told us the cave back in the day was believed to be the underworld and that the Mayans were probably high on shrooms when they were we basically went to hell and back  in one day and were told to pretend we were high the whole time to really get the full experience. Ha ya don't really know whats that like but I can imagine it was pretty trippy. Anyways it was awesome....definitely a must if you ever go to Belize. I loved every minute!

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