Sunday, July 10, 2011

thoughts on a thursday...

This week in Belize has been good to me. Lets be honest, life is always better when I'm around Belizean kids ALL day. Since monday, we started a summer camp up in Succotz and it has been amazing. The children there are the most precious kids I have ever met and I of course fell in love with all of them. I'll give a complete recap of the camp on a later date but today was just a day of a lot of deep thinking. Weird I know.
This is cute Miguel. I know I introduce a lot of people on here....but the world needs to know how great these people are. This child may or may not be my carry on when going back to the states. I first met this little boy Tuesday when I saw him and his little brother watching us during our camp. I could tell he wanted to play with us but was too shy to just come over. I finally walked over and invited him to play...he of course said no but after a little while he finally joined in. This boy was really the sweetest little boy I have ever met but being around him honestly made me so sad. I could just tell by how this boy dressed and the look in his eyes that he doesn't have very much and has been through a lot in his life.

I just kept thinking what this boys life will be like. Will he live in Succotz his whole life, will he be able to go to school when he's older, will he stay out of trouble, does he have enough food to eat, is he loved by his family, does he have a mother and a father...all of these thoughts kept racing through my mind. Its not very often that I run into children like this in the states. Yes, many come from hard situations but everything here is so different.

Cute little Miguel ended up being my little buddy for the rest of the week and I just pray for him to continue having the sweet personality he does for his entire life. I don't think most of us can comprehend some of the circumstances these kids come from but they continue to be kids...happy, full of life, loving, creative, a way these children seem so much happier then back in the states. Life is so simple for them here. They don't have video games, ipods, TV....they just play with each other, outside all the time. It got me thinking about poverty in general. How most of those who don't have as many material things, seem to have so many more spiritual gifts and appreciation for life in general. AND those who have a lot of material things, seem to be lacking the appreciation for so many gifts in their lives.

I have truly had an extreme wake up call as to all of the blessings in my life. Coming here has made me realize I have SO much to be thankful for that I take for granted everyday...running healthy water, a college education, a bed to sleep in, food to eat, a loving family, a car, clothes...the list could go on. But being here has also made me realize that all of the material things in the large scheme of things truly DON'T matter! I have come to see that life is so much more then the things we's about finding joy in the journey. It is by loving, serving, and caring for the people around us. It is finding hope and peace through a loving Heavenly Father and his plan for us. It is by appreciating the blessings in your life and not constantly wishing you had more.

Miguel and so many others here have taught me a lot. It is hard to see some of the circumstances these people are in but the faith and love these people have is truly incredible. There is no reason to be sad because in reality, they truly have so much. I just want to do more in my life to help these beautiful people. I want to spend my time doing things that will make them happier. I have been extremely blessed in my life and have every reason to give more to those around me. Which is what life is about.

I love these people and am forever grateful for the lessons I have learned from them that have literally changed my life. I feel in a way they have helped me more then I have helped them. I just really love this place. :)

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