Tuesday, July 5, 2011

PROUD to be an American!

Even though I am in Belize...my heart was with the great U.S.A. all day. I love this holiday a lot and was really sad to not be home for it this year! I have NEVER been out of the country on this day before in my life and I can say I don't think I want this to ever happen again. I missed it too much! I missed being home watching fireworks with the fam and friends, eating really great BBQ food, playing games, singing proud to be an american at the top of my lungs, and going to a rodeo. But there's always next year and I'll make sure its extra AMAZING!

While being here in Belize I have come to appreciate my country more than ever before. I really am so grateful that I was able to grow up and live there all my life. I truly take so much for granted. Here are some reasons why my heart fills with joy when thinking about my beloved country:

1. We have CLEAN, purified water from our faucets. enough said.
2. We are given so many opportunities to improve our lives....through education, jobs, etc.
3. For the most part, our country is clean....there aren't crazy amounts of trash everywhere
4. We have so much freedom to live how we want....especially as a woman
5. I can buy apples ANYWHERE and ANYTIME I want that aren't 2 dollars each
6. We invented the chocolate chip cookie, Coca-Cola, the Post-It, blue jeans, the i-Pod, Starbucks, RayBans, Converse All-Stars....
7. America realizes the importance of helping others in times of need...from the earthquake in Haiti to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, we’ve come together to do our best to help those in need.

There are so many more things I could have added-- but I just am grateful. Grateful for my country and I feel so blessed to be able to go back to my homeland soon. I have LOVED Belize and there are many things here that I wish would happen more in the states but I do love and cherish my home. There have been and continue to be rocky moments but for the most part this country is beautiful. Happy FOURTH OF JULY AMERICA!!!!

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