Thursday, June 23, 2011

I gave in...

So once upon a time one of my friends in 5th grade went to Mexico. I was maybe feeling a little resentful that she got to miss school for a week but she promised to bring me back a gift so I felt a lot better. Little did I know that when she got back I would feel feelings of jealousy like I had never felt before in my life. Not over her tan, her new puka shell necklace, or her cool new shirt she got but over her HAIR. Her neatly braided, AWESOME hair. EVERYONE was obsessed with it and I knew right then and there that someday I would HAVE to get braids. I promised myself.

So here I am 22 years old in Belize and I gave in. I got my hair braided. Do I love it? Well...lets just say me and Jaden Smith look like siblings. And I look like his older brother, not sister. So yes, I don't like it as much as I thought I would. I just now don't want to run into the lady that braided them cuz they are comin out tonight! oops...ya live and learn right?! But I am glad I tried fulfilled a dream from my childhood. So it was definitely worth my 5 bucks! For all you out there who have always wanted to try it, but just be prepared to maybe having to take all of them out within 24 hours. Happy Thursday! And yes here's a really special pic of me with them done...

1 comment:

  1. haha I got mine braided in middle school and lovveeedd it, I think I left my braids in for like 3 weeks haha. You're amazing!
    love sofa
