Sunday, February 13, 2011

I have become OBSESSED!!!!

So anyone who knows me knows that I am a pretty indecisive girl and have new ideas for life every hour of every day. What can I say life just inspires me I guess ha. So this semester I signed up for a nature photography class with my sister and friend thinking it would be just a fun class to escape the monotonous classes for my major (except for my immigrant/refugee class which is AMAZING!).

Little did I know that this class would literally change my life! For the class we all had to have access to an SLR camera. So my sister and I asked for one for Christmas. And let me tell you, it was love at first sight. You begin looking at the world and people in a whole new way. Your mind begins thinking how you can TRULY capture every beautiful thing you see whether it's scenery, people, or an event.

So since class has started we've learned about the typical vocabulary and introductory information about photography like f/stops, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, depth of field, etc and have had opportunities/homework assignments to practice how to properly use our cameras and take pictures. These pictures are by NO means amazing but it is just so cool to call something yours. Your ART. Your PASSIONS. Your EMOTIONS. The things you LOVE...all displayed through different pictures. And that's when it hit me, sitting in class the first day with a million ideas flowing through my head....I want to go to PHOTOGRAPHY SCHOOL. Yes I said it. Sorry dad.

But it hit me so hard and I realized I have been lying to myself throughout my entire college career!! I am not a scientist. I thought I wanted to be a nurse but my brain truly doesn't work that way. Yes I realize if I really "put my mind to it" I could do it but I lack the motivation and honestly I feel my talents lie somewhere else. I love being creative, I love figuring out new ideas, I love finding beauty in simple things, and now I can honestly say I LOVE photography.

I just want to do something I truly love and am excited/passionate about. So my new idea for life?? Take more photography classes, travel the world with various humanitarian groups, use my public health major to educate people, and help them change their lives while also taking pictures of them and capturing their life and emotions through photography (longest sentence of life I know).  Sound good?! And to top it off I want to become certified as a personal trainer and fitness instructor and work as that on the side as well so I can help fight the obesity problem in this world (especially with children) . Don't really know why I'm writing all of this down but its the truth and how my brain works and thinks.

Anyways here are some of my pictures I've taken so far. I've still got a LONG LONG way to go and so much to learn but with more classes and practice, it will get better I promise! So wish me luck with my new ideas/plans. I'm pretty excited about them.

this continues to change my life...

This is my all time favorite BYU devotional given ever. Whenever I'm having a hard day or just a difficult time in general, I watch this and feel so much better. His words truly put into perspective what life is about and give so many reasons
to have JOY in this life.
Happy Sunday <3