Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here's to Happiness....

So ok I'll be honest, I am obsessed with the blog rockstar diaries...reading about all of their adventures seriously makes me want to move to the east coast! But recently she has asked everyone who reads her blog to make a list of things that make them happy so yes I have given in....Here's to Happiness : )

1) Seeing Oregon License Plates
2) People Watching 
3) Hugs from behind
4) Going boating in SHASTA California <3
5) Shopping at vintage Stores
6) Singing in my car at the top of my lungs with the sunroof down!
7) When my dogs get a haircut
8) Old people holding hands
9) Looking at the *Stars*
10) Downloading New Music
11) Watching little kids play sports
12) Reading a good book Outside
13) TCBY Frozen Yogurt
14) Learning Something New
15) a REALLY good laugh...
16) Running at Night
17) Watching Anne of Green Gables or Gilmore Girls
18) Old-fashioned bicycles
19) Smiles and Laughter
20) Life.....ENJOY every minute of it

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What a Weekend....

So originally this Memorial Day weekend we were supposed to go to California but we ended up staying here in Provo BUT instead of sitting around and doing nothing really important we decided to actually DO some things. Lilian, Tayler and I decided that we had to do two things no matter what and that was TUBE down the Provo river and HIKE...and a few other adventures popped up too. When we told people that's what we wanted to do....nobody believed us. They thought we'd just sit around and do nothing OH but we showed them : ) Anyways the weekend ended up being AMAZING and we realized Utah really isn't as boring as we always thought especially out in nature. There really is nothing better than spending a beautiful day outside! Although we did have some rough times on the river, let's just say when the guys in charge tell you to not float through the bridge DON'T DO IT! We basically waterskiied on rocks and almost completely broke our feet haha and we have some huge bumps and cuts to prove it. But it was totally worth it and we dominated! 

Then Monday was our hike to Ensign peak...we thought it was going to be a semi-long hike but we soon realized it was 0.86 miles haha but the view was SO worth it and don't worry we had some really good photo opportunities. I would have to say the high
light of the weekend though was when we decided to play some mud volleyball since it decided to freaking pour yesterday. The boys said we wouldn't get too dirty but we all secretly knew we would end up completely covered in mud. For the first 20 minutes we were completely dry but that didn't last for's the final outcome of all of us...I'm pretty sure I'll find sand in my ears for the next month! Overall it was a REALLY good weekend! There will definitely be more adventures to come!

Monday, May 18, 2009

i love to ride my bicycle....

My dear cousin David let me use his bike for the spring. I've been wanting a bike for a WHILE now but just haven't bought one yet so yay!! Now I have one to ride! Today was my first time out which I'm sure looked really special with me wearing my huge backpack AND trying to hold my tennis racket and ride at the same time (wouldn't recommend this by the way) AND I  never get ready for tennis so I probably looked like a homeless. It was a lovely morning tho. The sun actually shines in utah who knew : ) Summers here really are perfect!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I LOVE my Mama

Happy Mother's Day!

Here is my beautiful mother! I wish I was home to celebrate today with her but i hope she knows how much I love and appreciate ALL she has done and continues to do in my life. I truly am who i am today because of her example. I am eternally indebted to her and for all her support she has given to me throughout my life. She has been through so much in her own life and continues to amaze me everyday. She has the strongest testimony of the gospel and always puts her family first. i love her SO MUCH and am so grateful to have been blessed with the best mother in the world! Happy Mothers Day to every mother and to every woman in my life...thanks for all you do! 

Monday, May 4, 2009

If you ever want a good laugh....

Ok...question of the night WHY does every first ward FHE have to include volleyball? I mean it's not like I have an extreme hatred of the sport but honestly I really REALLY SUCK at it! People probably think I never ever developed my hand-eye coordination skills. Lets just say...I leave a really good first impression.