Thursday, April 30, 2009

Back in the Provo....

The vacation is over....
Back to real life and school!
DC was absolutely AMAZING and I really hope I can go back there and live someday! 
I feel like Provo for spring will be fun...I was feeling sketch at first but once I got here I felt A LOT better. Oh and guess who isn't a teenager anymore! Yes it is is the day of my birth 20 YEARS AGO! It is so hard to believe that i have been on this planet for 2 decades...I didn't think I would feel different on this day but I have had some very deep, pensive moments haha but really I have been thinking about my life and where it has been and where it is going. I know I take so much for granted and I hope I can be better at making everything count. 
Here's to being 20!!!

20 Things I want to do Before I am 30 

Do a Triathlon
Live in DC or New York City
Start a Jewelry Business
Make homemade bread
Watch Gilmore Girls 1-7 in one week
Windsurf or regular Surf
Own a pair of Hudson Jeans
Write a Song
Graduate from BYU
Go "REAL" Rock Climbing
Travel Europe or Africa
Get Fake Nails
Paint a Picture
Create my OWN recipe
Get into Photography
Own a pair of vintage Cowboy boots
Go Skydiving
Become a Child Life Specialist
Find a MAN
LIVE to the Fullest EVERY DAY

Life is BEAUTIFUL <3


  1. Happy Birthday! Glad you had a great time in DC. Seeing your temple pic brought back great memories- that's where Brad and I got married!

  2. I didn't know that!! That's so cool!! I loved it there so much : )
