Sunday, April 18, 2010

one of those nights where i'm just done...

sometimes I feel just a little empty...

I've tried to get over it...
I've tried to make things work...
I've tried to give people chances...

I'm done comparing to what I used to have.
I'm done falling for guys that aren't interested and soon start dating someone else.
I'm done with never being interested in the guys that actually like me.

Why Can't it Just work like it did before?
A long LONG time ago...

He's been able to move on...why can't I?
I ended it...I knew we weren't supposed to be together
so why does it feel like this?

These are some wise words from one of my friends...they seriously spoke to my heart. It's how I feel somedays:

you have no idea how you've altered my heart. I can't move on. I'm stuck. In love with someone that doesn't exist anymore. I can't replace him. I can't rebound, I can't go on- no one's good enough. No one could be better than you. And you aren't even real.

SOMEDAY I'll move on...I just never thought it would have taken this long or would be this painful.


  1. now doesn't that sound familiar... :) love you.

  2. i couldn't figure out how to link to your blog but seriously that just explained exactly how I feel! Love you cute girl so much!
