Monday, March 28, 2011

feelings lately...

Life has had very many emotions as of late. I don't think I have ever experienced a rollercoaster of emotions quite as extreme before. I've even developed an eye twitch from all the stress and deep thinking over these past few weeks. Its pretty cute and normal looking for sure. Hopefully it goes away soon, the weird looks I keep getting from random humans are getting a little old.

It truly is amazing how complex thoughts can be tho and how many things go through your mind throughout an entire day. I've had a lot of driving time lately (provo to salt lake city, provo to park city, etc.) and have had a definite love-hate relationship with my thoughts. Thoughts about my future, travel plans, my family, friends, boys, school, songwriting, photography, biking/running, music...songs i want to download, my dogs, the gospel, plan of salvation, trials, forgiveness, trusting people, realizing just how much you love something once its gone, how much I love people, and so much more (obviously not in that exact order). Just crazy all over the board right?! 

I especially have been thinking about a certain family. One of my friends just recently found out his nephew has a brain tumor and will be starting chemo soon. His nephew is two years old. I don't mean to have all these sad stories on here but when I heard this it just broke my heart. I literally have been thinking about him and their family nonstop. I just hate how fast things like that happen in life and how different life can be almost overnight. This poor little boy isn't going to have a normal childhood until the tumor is gone. It just makes me so sad and helpless. It makes me want to appreciate the things in my life so much more because you never known when things will change. 

I got to meet the cute little boy Jake last week. It was such a special moment. I could feel his sweet little spirit so strong and knew that through this hard time Heavenly Father would watch out for him. We know this is a horrible thing this little boy has to go through but we know Heavenly Father loves him more then we can comprehend. Its not fair, but life is never fair. Most times through the hard experiences and "unfair" moments, we grow more then we ever thought possible.  
I know I am an abnormally sentimentally human but this story has just been tugging on my heart this entire week and I wish there was more I could do. One of my favorite songs when I was going through a harder time is called "I'll Be Ok"...these words have been coming to mind a lot lately:

Life passes so quickly
You gotta take the time
Or you'll miss what really matters
You'll miss all the signs
I've spent my life searching
For what was always there
Sometimes it will be too late
Sometimes it won't be fair 

I feel so blessed to have a knowledge of the Savior and the Plan of Salvation. I don't know how I would be able to get through life without his help and ability to help ease our burdens. Sometimes horrible things happen in life but it does NOT mean our Heavenly Father and Savior will leave us high and dry. They are always there for us to turn to for help. Keep this family and cute little boy in your prayers!

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