Wednesday, February 29, 2012

words from mama kay...

So yes I have been posting a lot lately. You can always tell when things like my blog, or my itunes playlists get updated cuz it ALWAYS means I had a test recently. Those are the main things I do when I procrastinate. So lucky you, I'm writing again.

I'm gonna be honest...this past weekend and even the beginning of this week have been a little rough. Just some different things going on in life and trying to plan for the future have just been weighing me down! I'm definitely the type of person that bottles things up, pretends everything is ok, puts on a smile, and then one day has a complete BREAKDOWN! I may or may not have experienced this lately (I promise there's a point to this).

But as usual, the hard moments in life always bring you closer to the Lord, family, friends, and allow you to reconnect with what truly is most important in life. Which is always good for me to remember what my focus should be on.

I swear I have the most amazing people in my life who time after time say things to me that are exactly what I need to hear (my mom being one of them). But this morning I woke up to a short & sweet little facebook message from cute mama kay from Belize. She said something that really touched me:

" baby girl the things we want in life that are good for us require effort, dedication and sacrifice, I know you can make it." 

Effort. Dedication. Sacrifice. Those aren't the usual words you hear when going through a hard time. Usually its words like faith, patience, hope, etc. But I loved this new outlook. In order for things to change for the better, especially things we want, we have to be doing something. We have to be "moving"...putting forth more effort, making more sacrifices, doing 100% in all we do and being dedicated to it.

So despite what life throws at us, this can be our new motto. We can all be a little better. There is so much more I can be doing to achieve my goals in life. And when my life is aligned with the Lord's will, everything will work out how it should. I truly believe that and know he cares about us more than we can imagine. He knows what we're going through and will always be there for us when we need him.

Life is the ultimate test. Yes God has to be a good teacher and not give us answers to the test when we want them SO BAD, but it is how we learn and become better. Things will work out they always will and we all be ok.

There's my little pick me up for the day.
And don't worry...I totally got to play my FIRST BUNCO GAME EVER tonight. It was life changing. I feel I have become addicted :)

PEACE and love.

1 comment:

  1. awww. i miss her. mama kay is always there for good advice and words of wisdom. love her, and you!
