Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Well today...and yesterday too...most people would probably classify me as a child. Why? Well I was entertained by pretty much everything and everyone ALL DAY. Yes...these kinds of days happen to me quite frequently but especially these past two days I have been hit with the "laugh attacks" and the realization of just how important laughter is in my life.

People who really know me would definitely say I am a weirdo. I can't be sure that I am funny but I feel I am pretty crazy once I am comfortable around you. Chucks and I are sure there was something in the water as we were growing up because you just don't find many people like us ha. But I just wanted to share just some things that have made me laugh these past couple days and whole life...I'd like to call it "things that make me laugh so hard...i may have peed."
1. This show...Gepetto's workshop...the opening song literally makes me cry laughing...Thanks Grandma Joan for this gift so long ago...

2. Chiggers....the bug from the south...this is especially for Jackie
3. Creepy Russian singer...thank you Melissa for this!!

4. The treasures that donate plasma at Talecris...yes I am one of them
5. This website...kept me entertained for hours hahaha

6. Jackie in general
7. Looking at old this one...

8. The "FartDroid" app on me and chucks was entertaining for some reason...we may still be 5!


My life is random and a lot of the time I can't remember what makes me laugh but I do it a lot and I am so glad that when life is a little crappy we can just do something crazy and laugh it off!! If you're feeling down find something that makes you laugh and life will be better : ) Happy Friday!!

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